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Training Workshop Instruction

Welcome to the Dubay Healing Center's training and workshop portal. You will need to register using a "client code" provided by your workshop organiser. Registration will provide you a user account which will give you access woorkshop material and training resources. You need to register only once. Please write to ad@dubay.bz in case you are unable to register.

Clinical Skill Development Program - Level 1

0000-00-00    To    2022-12-22

US $ 100

Binet Kamath Test, Seguin Form Board, Advance Progressive Matrices, Wechsler Memory Scale, Beck Rating Scale, Executive Personality Scale, TAT, CAT, Rorschach Inkblot Test and Somatic Inkblot Test Online version (SIT), Content Analysis Case interpretation, Dream Analysis-Symbolism, Psychotherapy,... Read More

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Clinical Skill Development Program - Level 2

2022-01-18    To    2022-12-22

US $ 100

Day 1: Clinical Application of TAT and CAT with report writing Day 2: Scoring and Interpretation of Rorschach & Somatic Inkblot Test Online version (SIT) Day 3: Case Discussion and symbolic Interpretation of Inkblot Responses Day 4: Psychoanalysis (Projective Testing, Free association, Dream... Read More

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Clinical Skill Development Program - Level 3

2022-01-18    To    2022-12-22

US $ 100

Day 1: Case presentation by participants with Final Report (One case): Assessment of Clinical Skills Day 2: Dream symbolism and Psychoanalytic interpretation of projected responses (Examination for certification) Day 3: Confirmation of Protocol Analysis and final Report (RIT/SIT) (At least 1... Read More

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Introduction to Projective Techniques & Dubay Healing Center framework

2022-01-18    To    2022-12-22

Free Workshop

Introduction to Mental Health Case Management, Time Keeping, SIT Administration etc

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Internship - Psychological testing & Psychotherapy

2022-01-18    To    2022-12-22

US $ 250

The internship is designed to help participants in learning the application of clinically powerful psychological tests (Questionnaires, objective and Projective tests). The program will help in understanding the administration, scoring and interpretation of Intelligence tests, Memory test,... Read More

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Application of Projective Techniques in Personality Assessment

2022-01-18    To    2022-12-22

US $ 300

6 hrs workshop designed for education institutions & universities. The workshop is designed to help accelerate hands on learning of the application of projective tests (TAT, CAT, Rorschach, SIT etc). Emphasis will be provided on the administration, scoring and interpretation of TAT, CAT, Rorschach... Read More

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You need to register only once. Please write to ad@dubay.bz in case you are unable to register.
